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Support the Class of 1999

Our Class of 1999 Treasury

Treasury funds are used to finance ongoing class outreach including mini-reunions. Most importantly, it subsidizes on-campus reunion activities and provides scholarships to offset the cost for classmates who need assistance.
Membership Basics
All contributions to The Class of 1999 qualify as tax-deductible charitable donations. 

  • Wellesley Class of 1999 Lifetime Membership– is a one-time contribution of $299 added to Wellesley's endowment (invested for long-term growth). These memberships generate a return in perpetuity for our Class - adding to what's available in the Class Treasury from year to year and helping us support our gatherings for many, any MANY more years to come. 
  • Annual Dues – pay $40 once a year to help directly fund class activities. These annual payments provide us with working capital to plan our next reunion! 

Wellesley Class of 1999 Lifetime Membership Goal
Reach a total of 135 Lifetime Members (25% of our class) by our 25th Reunion.
How to Pay Dues
To become a new Class Life Member or make an Annual Dues payment, you may select from the online payment links below. To pay via check, please contact Emily Nacol at for the mailing address. To pay by Venmo, please send your dues to @Wellesley-99.
Questions?  Email Emily Nacol at or Laura Smith at