Finally, an Estate Planning Guide for Everyone!

From A Massachusetts Author and Experienced Estate Planning Lawyer

Do You Have a Plan book cover

Everyone needs an estate plan, regardless of economic means and marital status. Unfortunately, most people do not understand why estate planning is so important or what the process involves.

Over the years, because of my role in helping clients implement customized estate plans that meet their specific needs, I’ve had many people ask me to recommend a book about estate planning. I’ve struggled with this question because most of the books I’ve seen are dry, lengthy, and written in confusing “legalese.”

I decided to write an estate planning book myself that I, as a Greater Boston Area Massachusetts estate planner, could comfortably recommend to people from all walks of life but who had the common desire and goal to ensure that, post-death, their beneficiaries would not run into obstacles accessing assets and money earmarked for them

The book is designed so that you can read it in one sitting and actually enjoy the learning process, thanks in part to wonderful illustrations by Joy Murphy. The will estate planning book can also be used as a reference guide to quickly find and review a particular estate planning topic in the future.

By reading my estate planning book you’ll get an introduction to all of the following inheritance planning topics:

I hope you enjoy reading my book as much as I did writing it!

Tiffany A. O’Connell, Esq., LLM, CELA, AEP®

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Do You Have a Plan?

How to Avoid Leaving a Mess
(A Guide to Estate Planning),

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Do You Have a Plan?

How to Avoid Leaving a Mess
(A Guide to Estate Planning),

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